The worst thing about being sick…
…is being bored. Sure, the splitting headache, stomach ache, hot and cold flashes, and general fatigue and aching all suck. But what’s worse is that I have to sit in bed, doing nothing other than play around on the laptop from time to time, as the other symptoms will allow.
In other news, Cary is going to be in the ATL on Monday! I plan to throw a welcoming party for him on Friday (not today (he’s not here today (how do you like those multiple parentheticals, hmm?)), but a week from today) here at the house. So if any of you reading this can make it, then come on down!
While my dad was visiting this past week, I showed him around the city a bit — took him to the Aquarium, to a few of the malls, and we even visited the UPS corporate headquarters in Sandy Springs.  I apparently used to live just down the road from it; who knew? That was an… interesting experience. My dad wanted to just drive there and walk in, to have a look around. My response was along the lines of, “…Can we do that? I don’t think we can. In fact, I’m pretty sure of it.” “Danny said we could just go to the front gate and I could show my ID, and they’d let me in.” “With no appointment or anything? Well… okay.” (I apologize to the grammar-conscious out there, for not separating all of those quotes into different paragraphs; I thought it best to save precious screen real estate.)
Predictably, that didn’t work out as well as dad hoped. Surprisingly though, we did get in. All the men there were in 3-piece suits, all the women in similarly dressy outfits. I was wearing khaki pants and a business-casual polo, and my dad was wearing… a t-shirt and shorts. We got many an odd look; in fact, I’d say that a lot of the people there were outright fearful, looking at us as if we were random hobos who wandered in, or perhaps terrorists. This was reinforced when my dad took a picture of the building from the cafeteria area, and I swear not 30 seconds later, the head of security was walking up to us asking us who we were and what we were doing there. After a brief explanation, he let us know that normally pictures aren’t allowed, but that since my dad was an employee he’d allow it. He suggested we have a look at the 3rd and 5th floors, then left us on our merry way. No doubt to go watch us on security cameras like a hawk.  The rest of the visit was uneventful, though there was a nice open-air garden area on the 5th floor.
I really should update this thing more often. I’ll blame sickness this time. But soon, I shall have an interesting post about absinthe for you.
Oh yes, also: Kirstie and I will be visiting home starting Thursday, July 19th through that weekend. Hide your alcohol and your daughters, Louisville.